I try to make things that are valuable. Things that are precious... I keep working on a painting, words, or music, until I feel they contain light, sound, or ideas that touch the mind and heart.
Although I understand my work will not reach and connect with everyone, I try to create art that is accessible to a broad range of tastes, and across all age groups. A great deal of the creative challenge I set myself is to produce work that maintains an emotional and intellectual force, yet retains relative simplicity as compared with other contemporary artworks.
While I personally enjoy abstract art, complex music, and the playful use of language and words, I want to create something beautiful and new, but not to travel too far into the unknown and obscure territories that so often characterise contemporary art and music, and that a general audience often feels dislocated from.
Like anything truly valuable, whether the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the love we share, certain things should be free and for all. If what I have made has value, then these things should also be shared with as many as possible.
Sharing is especially important for those with less who I believe should be given the same access to those things that are most valuable as those with good fortune. The arts are among these. While I have limited power and influence, I do have control over what I make and do, and how it is experienced. I therefore choose that whether you are the queen of England or a child living in a shanty town in Buenos Aires, you have equal opportunity to enjoy the sounds, light, and ideas I make, so long as you have online access.
The more valuable something is, the more important it is that it is shared openly. If I believe my work has value then I feel it only right that it is given freely.
Art Lover VIP is my way of building a context that supports my giving, as giving in the way I do requires income. You may also like to read about how this income is spent.