All Categories Art Lover VIP FAQs How Do I Contact You?

How Do I Contact You?

General comments, feedback, and support

By Mike de Sousa
January 18, 2021

Before you go ahead and contact support, search through the Knowledge Base! Most questions are already answered there and it will save you time. As you enter words in the 'how can we help you?' field, related articles and FAQs will appear.

Art Lover VIP Subscribers

If you want to comment on artworks you are welcome to make contact after you login via your user area.

Comments and Feedback

For those who are not Art Lover VIP subscribers who want to comment on artwork, provide feedback about a website associated with Art Lover VIP please use the Help Widget located on every page on the lower right. This widget will also be available in the Support Area in the coming weeks.

You can also use the Contact Form.


If you have run into a problem, or a question is not answered in the support area, please ensure you are seeking support from the right area.

For Premium Digital Downloads and all things Art Lover VIP, and if you cannot find an answer to your question in the Knowledge Base, then please send an email to support at art lover dot vip. You will usually receive a reply within 24 hours.

The support area will be updated in the near future with a widget that will allow you to simply enter your question into the pop up. Hopefully that will be up and running before the second quarter of 2021.

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