All Categories Art Lovers Art Lover VIP Supporters

Art Lover VIP Supporters

By Mike de Sousa
July 2, 2023

Mike de Sousa has created and directed public artworks, social publications, and community arts projects for over forty years. Art Lover VIP provided ways to support the ongoing publication and creation of new work.

A core principle of all publications associated with Art Lover VIP is that visitors enjoy music, art, literature and ideas without advertising or commercial tracking.

Visitors to the website Art Lover VIP were given the opportunity to support Mike's work in one of several ways.

Art Lover VIP community members enjoyed the following:

  • Art Lover VIP's Supporter Certificate.

  • Voting Powers that gave the community opportunities to choose what was published.

  • Special Content that was only published for the Art Lover VIP community.

  • Exclusive Previews of upcoming work.

  • Guides to new and existing works.

  • Exclusive Access to working drafts as art and music was being created.

A new model of patronage is currently being developed.

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